Pause with Pastor Joel – October 18, 2022

Editor’s Note: Back when we published a monthly newsletter we always included a column from the Pastor. Some have expressed that they have missed this. In our new digital format, we are bringing back what Pastor Joel always called Pause with Pastor Joel on a bi-weekly basis. A link will be provided in the Bell Notes e-mail and printed copies will be available at church on Sunday mornings.
An expectation of all pastors in our Conference is that we participate in some sort of covenant group with other colleagues. What does covenant group mean? Any Christian can be a part of a covenant group. It is a group of faithful people that promise – covenant – to support one another.
My covenant group consists of six pastors all close in age. We’re all men and serve in a variety of places. We’ve been meeting together for at least 5 years now.
What does a group of United Methodist pastors do when they meet together as a covenant group?
Well, we eat, of course. But we also support one another during difficult times, pray for and with one another, challenge one another, bounce ideas off of one another and offer resources to each other. Oh, we also laugh together a lot!
This is a great list of what any covenant group should do together. In particular it’s important whether we’re part of an official group or not that we have other Christians that support us and challenge us.
I tend to find that we naturally lean towards one or the other more. I know Christians that are great at supporting others, but if they’re asked to challenge them, they don’t think that’s appropriate. I also know Christians that are great at challenging others, sometimes doing so in a way that isn’t very supportive!
We are called to be people who support and challenge one another. We all need support. It is hard to be in the world. It’s hard to be a person of faith in the world. Jesus says this himself when he tells us, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me” (Matthew 5:11, NIV). It’s a reality that people may reject us because of our faith. We need to support one another!
However, if all we do is support, we may become complacent. So we need to also challenge one another. We need to point out, kindly and gently, where we each need to grow and move and change and seek Christ!
This isn’t an either/or situation, but a both/and. We need to support and challenge one another. It’s the only way we move forward as Christians in this world. I hope you have people in your life that support and challenge you. If not, then find some! I have found that my covenant group is one of the most life giving parts of my ministry. I want you to experience this same joy in faith.