
Get your Pasties at Goodrich UMC!!!!
Our church makes Pasties bi-monthly from September through May. Next Pastie Sales are March 14 & 15, May 9 & 10, September 12 & 13, and November 14 & 15. Please make sure you place your order by the Thursday before the sale.
You can order pasties by emailing the Church Office or by calling (810) 636-2444. You can also fill out an online order form below.  For orders above 25 pasties, please call the Church office.  
When emailing or calling please include your name, phone number, how many you’re ordering and the day in which you want to pick them up (Friday 2:00-4:00 p.m. or Saturday 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.).

Cash and Checks are acceptable or you can pay online by clicking the link on the confirmation page once you submit this order. Please make checks out to Goodrich United Methodist Church.  Order pickup is Friday (2-4pm) and Saturday (10am-Noon).