This is the online worship service for Goodrich United Methodist Church.  Join us in person or virtually by following this link or click on the link below.

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What’s Happening
What do you think can determine how you act? What thoughts are holding you back? God can help you change the story of your life.
Proverbs 23:7, Romans 12:2
Our youth and adult Sunday School resumes this week as we begin our new testament journey.
We will discuss how to be the disciple Jesus calls us to be despite our own human condition with our own anxiety,  confirming to our culture, knowing all the while that it is sick and riddled with brokenness and confusion.
The younger Sunday School class will learn how Jesus called 12 men to follow him.


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Contact Us: Phone: (810) 636-2444 Fax: (810) 636-3558 Email:
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday